
New screens.

Last time, I did hard code the priority of the BGs,
but now everything is fine.

- The super mario screen now uses MAIN / SUB to display.
- Axelay shadow effect with the space ship at the beginning is OK too.
- Fixed some timing glitches.
- Fixed when PPU is disabled.
- Fixed bug for sprites (palette 0..3 do not participate in Main/Sub color math)

So here are a few screens now.
- Konami logo booted from Axelay
- Village from FF6
- Fortress from FF6.

I think have things to fix of course, but things are getting nicer little by little. :-)

Now it finally start to look like a Snes ;-)

1 comment:

Laxer3A said...

Note : there are some glitch that you can actually see, but those glitch were done by the dump logic from the game, not the rendering with the chip.